
This is the format used to describe all the practices.

# Name

The name of the practice. That is in the page name.

# Author

The person that invented and developed the practice.

# Overview

Here goes everything that a reader needs to know before continuing reading about the practice.

# Purpose

The description of what is the practice for, and who is the practice for.

# Relation to Human Complexity

How this practice is related to Human Complexity science.

# Description

This is the main section that describes the inputs to the practice, the steps of the workflow to apply the practice, and the outputs and outcomes produced.

# Practical tips & stories

This is a list of tips for using the practice and stories describing the use of the practice in real life, or stories relevant to the practice.


# Comments & Questions & Answers

This space if for any comment, info sharing, questions & answers, and any conversation, discussion and contribution from community members about the related practice.